

In the world of social media, sensational stories often eclipse the truth. The recent derogatory report by Gistlover targeting Otunba Sade Adesoye is yet another example of how unverified rumors can attempt to tarnish the reputation of a truly remarkable woman. Having encountered Sade Adesoye personally, I can confidently say that the story published by Gistlover lacks not only journalistic ethics but also any essence of truth. It serves no purpose other than to mock a woman whose life has been dedicated to kindness, philanthropy, and the quiet strength that defines her.

I first met Otunba Sade Adesoye at the Ojude Oba festival in Ijebu Ode in 2019, just a year before the COVID-19 pandemic changed the world. My colleague, Abiola Orisile, led a team of journalists to her home after the festival, and what we witnessed was the embodiment of grace and hospitality. Otunba Sade’s Ijebu Ode home was filled with people—young and old, friends and strangers—who had come to celebrate the Ileya festival. As a woman known for generosity, she ensured every visitor felt like a VIP. It didn’t matter if you were a high-profile guest or someone just stopping by; everyone was treated with warmth and respect.

As we sat in her home, the air was filled with laughter, food, and drinks. Her words, spoken with the wisdom of a woman who has lived through many experiences, had a soothing effect on those around her.  Madam Sade attended to her guests with such humility that it was hard to believe she was the same woman celebrated as the Yeye Otunba Gbaderogun of Ijebu. Her husband, too, enjoyed the festivities under a special tent, surrounded by his guests, showing that their relationship is one built on mutual respect and love—a bond that, no doubt, would attract envy from those unwilling to celebrate happiness.

So, it baffles me how anyone could look at a woman so kind and joyous and wish to tear down her home with malicious stories. Madam Sade is a quiet, easy-going woman who avoids the spotlight, not because she lacks accomplishments, but because she lets her deeds speak for her. What does Gistlover seek to achieve by dragging this noble woman into a storm of falsehoods? What good can possibly come from fabricating tales about a home that is trying, like all homes, to navigate its challenges?

The aim of journalism is to inform, educate, and contribute positively to society. Gistlover’s story, filled with slander, achieves none of these goals. It is a tale born out of hate and envy, designed not to enlighten but to destroy. I wonder what impact Gistlover hopes this story will have. Are we, as a society, meant to celebrate the unraveling of a home simply because someone with a platform decides to peddle rumors? Shouldn't we ask ourselves what kind of world we are creating when we applaud those who derive pleasure from the pain of others?

To Madam Sade Adesoye, I extend my heartfelt consolation. Your good heart will sail you through this storm, rowed by those who wish to see you fall. The Sade Adesoye I know is a woman of dignity, kindness, and resilience. No matter how loud the noise of detractors becomes, the truth will always rise above it.

Gistlover is akin to a mentally unstable person dancing in a marketplace, kicking at other people’s goods. It may seem amusing to some, but sooner or later, each of those who feed their hunger for destruction will taste the bitter pill this madness serves. Those hailing Gistlover today may not realize that their turn on the tabloid of slander is coming. Until then, let us remember that a woman like Otunba Sade Adesoye—a woman who shines as brightly as the jewelry she sells—cannot be dimmed by mere rumors. The world sees her for who she truly is, and no amount of slander can change that.

Seun Joseph writes from Hull City.

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